Monday, January 21, 2008

Political Issues

As we are nearing the Tennessee Primary, political issues are at the forefront of many people's minds. I know only a few of you will be able to vote in this election, but it is important to start deciding which issues are most important to you. Unless you come from a family that talks politics regularly, you probably aren't even aware of many of the poignant issues in this Presidential campaign. It will take time, energy, thought, and research to learn about the issues and to make decisions about where you stand.

Over the last week I have been reading Melissa Fay Greene's There Is No Me Without You, a nonfiction book about a courageous woman who runs an orphanage in Ethiopia. After the death of her husband and daughter Haregewoin Teferra agreed to take in one child who was orphaned after his parents died of AIDS. She unwittingly ended up caring for forty to fifty children in her home at a given time. Greene makes a point to state that Teferra is no saint; "calling a good person a saint is just another way to try to explain extraordinary behavior...which means we are off the hook...[and] no one will expect us to intervene" (Greene 28). Along with the narrative of Teferra's life, Greene also discusses the facts surrounding the AIDS pandemic such as how it began, how it has affected innumerable children's lives, and how our country has helped and even hindered the victims of the relentless disease.
Here are some of the facts.
  • 4.7 million people in Africa are in immediate need of the lifesaving AIDS drugs and only 500,000 have access to them.
  • 6,600 Africans die every day of AIDS.
  • The U.S. gave 0.1575% of its Gross National Product to foreign aid between 2002 and 2005. That equals $75,853,000.
  • While the U.S. gave the most in dollar amount, it was least in percentage with countries like Norway giving up to .93% in 2005.
  • In 2005, Ethiopia had 1,563,000 AIDS orphans, the second highest concentration of such children in the world. (There were 4,414,000 total orphans in Ethiopia including those from other causes.)
  • People in America are treated for AIDS with HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy), a combination of three or more anti-HIV drugs, that helps them lead healthy lives for many years after their diagnosis.
  • People in Ethiopia (and many other developing countries) die of AIDS because the drugs cost about $200-300 a year per patient.
  • They obviously cannot afford the drugs because Ethiopia's Gross National Income per capita is $180.
  • Within two months after starting treatment dying people regain their health and can return to work.
There are many reasons and excuses for the lack of adequate treatment for the millions of people dying of AIDS, but ultimately we are people and they are people. Are things like intellectual property rights, patents, and profits worth the lives of millions of people? While I understand the important of the right to patent as determined by the writers of our Constitution, I agree with Martin Luther King, Jr. who wrote in "Letter from Birmingham Jail" that "there are just and unjust laws...An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law." He is not advocating defying the law as that would lead to anarchy. Instead, "one who breaks an unjust law must do it openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty." So far, American leaders are not willing to accept the penalty of relinquishing the patent on AIDS medicine in order to create cheaper, generic versions that would be accessible to the millions of people dying of a treatable disease. I believe our future generations will be baffled about the AIDS crisis much like our generation feels about the Holocaust.

Obviously you can see this is an issue I am passionate about. Now, I want to hear the things you all care about. Assuming you were able to vote this year, what issues would you be focusing on? Why are they important to you? (Please focus on the issues, not the candidates!)


emilieR said...

Hey Mrs. McAffry!
I can tell you're very passionate about the AIDS issue. That is one that really needs to be addressed--too many kids are orphaned and too many people are dying for no good reason!I'm concerned about the health care issues in the US. Right now my family is going through an experience with their insurance company. The company raised the amount my parents have to pay them every month to $1500.00! If they move to another company, the new company won't cover any conditions that they already have--even if it's a broken foot--they won't cover that foot if something happens to it!My dad says that his insurance is high also because he is self-employed. I don't think he should be penalized for that.So my family is stuck paying that high price--knowing that it will go up again in another six months!This is America?

Lindsay_r said...

Hi Mrs. McAffry!
I agree with everything you said about the AIDS issue. I even picked the AIDS issue for my research paper and all the info I found on it was so sad, it's crazy that it has been overlooked for so long. I hope whoever gets elected brings some attention to it.

ashton_z said...

Hey Mrs. McAffry.
It's really nice to hear that someone is so passionate about the AIDS crisis in Africa. One of the things that I am most passionate about is the war in Iraq. I would love to see the soldiers in Iraq and Afganistan get to come home! They are not over seas to win a war, because this war has already been won. It is over...we have sent troops there so that they can keep the peace. Now I do see how this is an important issue, and I see how people could want us to continue to keep troops over there. But at this moment they are dying for no reason. There are no more terrorist threats in the U.S. right now than there were before 9/11. Our men are dying overseas to keep peace in a country that has never seen peace. This is not our war to fight, it is theirs. If they are to unwilling to fight this war why should we send men over seas to die in their place?

joshw said...

I completely agree with yo on the AIDS issue.My uncle acctually has AIDS and it is horrible.He suffers daily and the thought of his death haunts him.I think that AIDS should be brought to the forefront of the attention of people more than it already is.I hope that the person who gets elected for president does more about AIDS than what is going on now.

Marvin B. said...

More people today do need to know about the problems that face our society. I, however, have chosen to remain neutral in all political issues. My reason for that stand comes from the Bible. Jesus was quoted at John chapter seventeen verse sixteen, "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world (New World Translation)." Here Jesus was speaking about his people as a class that continues down into our time today. Since it is impossible for us to be no part of this physical earth, it must be symbolic. That "world" has to represent today's political organizations. If we cannot look to an earthly organization for help, how are the problems that plague us today going to be solved? Those solutions will come through God and his son. Consider Jesus' words at John eighteen verse thirty-six, "My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source (New World Translation)." This kingdom is one that will solve all of our problems. It will be headed by a perfect ruler, not a flawed man. This is not to say, although, that we do not have to help others (It was a command given to us by Jesus Christ to look after those less fortunate than ourselves). It does mean that while there may be organizations that try to do good, we must remember where the lasting solutions will come from and always put our trust there first.

Tyler B. said...

Aids are a huge epidemic that need to be resolved, but that won't happen anytime soon. I understand that it is expensive and that we can't just give the medicine away, but we should do everything that we can to help those people other there that are dieing. A huge thing that I'm looking forwarding to candidates talk about is bringing our troops home. I agree with Ashton the war is over we are now just helping people who don't want to be helped and that is killing our men and women. Global warming is a big issue now and I would like to know how our government is going to handle this.

Ray E said...

AIDS is a touchy subject and of course the medicine is expensive. We as a nation should try to get the medicines to cost less. AIDS is also something that tends to shift and adapt to every "cure" that it encounters.
Also the war is over the people over in the middle east obviously don't want to be helped because they bomb us and attack us. Troops are being killed all the time do to American ignorance and pride.
Global warming is affecting us more now and should be the fist problem addressed. They need to make more gas efficient cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Also, we should find an alternate form of energy to allow transportation of individuals and the factories need to find some other form of energy. When will these problems be fixed probably when people get cancer from taking a walk, then they will say, "Hey somthing isn't right here!" For now all we can do is wait until they figure it out.

Ray E said...

I meant to say due instead of do in the last post. You will know which one I'm talking about.

ClintG said...

Hey Mrs. McAffry,
Every word you said is definitely true. It is sad that so many people are dying of a disease that can be prevented or at least medicated. This AIDS issue is a definite problem, if we don't do anything in the United States to help with this problem it could eventually be as bad here. That I'm noone wants. I believe the war in the middle east is also a major issue. I know the war is over but we need to make sure that what we started is finished. If we takes our troops out we may lose everything that we have already fought for. I believe thats gonnna be a major issue in the upcoming election. I'm just curious to see what our next president does about gas prices, it is getting kinda ridiculous. It is gonna make life on alot of americans harder. So hopefully our next president can do something about that.

deannam said...

All you hear about now a days, is how high gas prices are. I think the government should lower the gas prices because most people do not have 3 dollars to spend on every gallon. After taking out so much money on our pay checks for taxes, why should our gas prices be so high? The upcoming canidates should try to change the prices, or atleast do something about this issue.

kaitlin d said...

I think that we should help the people with AIDS in Africa instead of keeping the prices so high on the medicine. Its not entirely their fault for not being able to afford it and we are just being selfish by keeping it so expensive for no one else to be able to purchase.

kurtis H said...

I understand what you are saying about Aids, it is A big problem.
Guns are also A big problem these days. People are so ready to pick up A gun and, just shoot anyone they see. Most people who have guns, use their to solve every bad problem they have. Too many people have guns now. Lots of teenagers can also steal guns from someone. Plenty of them buy them too, from people off the streets. People can use guns for protection. Like if someone had to protect their family from something. But, the people who use their guns to solve all their bad problems they have are just crazy. That person can end up in jail really quick. Guns are useless if you use them the wrong way. I guess, only the person holding the gun can determine that.

Megan D said...

Hey Mrs. McAffry,
I believe in the things you said about AIDS. You have many good points about the AIDS issue.It's sad that every day we look over these things until someone else brings it up. I agree with Ashton. I feel strongly about the war in Iraq. It has been going on to long. We won the war, so why are our troops still over there. Familys miss the loved ones that are stationed there.I also agree with Deanna on the gas prices. They are way to high.We shoud not be expected to pay these prices

Tyler H. said...

I will admit that I am rather ignorant in Politics. I do not have much interest and have put off the thought of my duty as an American to know the issues of the upcoming Presidential election. After reading your blog Mrs. McAffry I do think you have a strong point, But i can not draw a conclusion without hearing the other side. My biggest political issue is the worry of social security and every Americans right to receive it. I do not agree with the current procedures and paperwork required to recieve disability help. With the current system it takes months to receive the help needed and during this time families are struggling and spiraling into debt, because the government sits around and doesn't want to give up their money. I know this, because I have lived it and watched friends go through the same!

tylerd said...

Hey Mrs.McAffry,
I would agree on everything you said about the AIDS. AIDS is spreading rapidly all across the world, even in the united states. Another major topic to me is the war in Iraq. I wish the war would be over. All the soldiers across the seas fighting for our country need to come bach home and stay so they can be with thier families.!!

Erika N. said...

I would have to disagree with you and say that AIDS should not be a main focus on this years upcoming presidential election. Due to the fact that the economy has a great chance of entering a recession if we aren't already in one. It's a pressing issue. This can be seen in the govenments emergancy decision to lower interest rates on Tuesday. The next question will be, if by lowering interest rates inflations will occur; thus, causing the economy to enter stagflation.

Unknown said...

In this upcoming election, I think an issue that should be addressed is that college education prices should be lowered. I know a good quality education is pricey but other than student loans and scholarships maybe there should be a few more ways to help college students out. After college students dont want to keep paying student loan fees when some people start families after college and there are many many added cost with that.

NickP said...

I do keep up with the political events throught the U.S. Personally, I could go into extream detail as far as my thoughts go, but there is no need for that. The major issues that do need to be dealt with are ilegal immigration, and the economy which is looking pretty rough right about now. The aids virus is truely a sad curse on society. They should do more about it. The facts that go along with the virus are terrifying, and those alone are enough to spark some thought as to whether people would like more support to contain it.

paigec said...

I agree with you about the AIDS issue. It just breaks my heart to hear about those kinds of stories. The thing that concerns me is how they are making ethanol with corn. I think that is what is making the prices of groceries go up and gasoline lasts longer than ethanol does. Soon well run out of corn which feeds most farm animals. That just doesn't make sense to me.

stormib said...

What is going on Mrs. McAffry? First off just let me say how much I really do like this on-line question thing. Even though I don't have internet at home I find it exciting to get on and be able to speak my mind on certian topics. Plus its an easy grade! Now lets get down to the heart of the matter. My family does not decuss politics all that often, but one subject that I do know about is the so called right for homosexuals to marry. Now let me start off by saying that I am not by any means trying to offend anyone with this topic, I am simply stating my opinion. My personal belief is that marriage is to be shared between a man and a woman. Thats is there is no room left for decussion. That is just the way I was brought up. What does concern me is the other treatment. Some people treat homosexuals like they are below the standards of a straight person. That is not right at all! We are called to love and except everyone no matter what their background is. I know it may sound like I condricted myself, but if you think about it I am really just saying that while I do not belive in homosexual marriage I do believe in the fair treatment of everyone in other aspects. For example it's not right to not sell somone a car because of the sexuality. It is also not right for someone to say I hate that person just because their homosexual, both are incredibly inconsiderate and unnecessary. I realize that not everyone can get along all the time but think about what you are saying and doing before you say or do it and things will go a whole lot soomther in politics and in other aspects of your life.

ZachC said...

Hey Mrs. McAffry,
Thank you for the information about AIDS. I have always heard that there is a huge epidemic in Africa, but I had no clue how big the issue is. I'm glad you are so passionate about the AIDS topic. My biggest concern dealing with politics would have to be abortion. In most cases people have made a mistake and try to fix it by aborting their unborn child. I know in some cases rape or medical problems come in to play. The main point is, why would you take away someone’s chance to live? Just think, what if your own parents never gave you the opportunity to live? I believe this is a great topic!

LukeL said...

i agree with you on the AIDS thing, but i dont think that will have as much of an effect on my vote as much as the war in Iraq and having a muslim president. I am also not a big fan of hillary clinton. all she talks about is how voting for republican is like falling into a trap. Bush probably should have pulled the troops out of iraq, i agree and a new repulican president may not either ,but anyone is better than a muslim or hillary. ughhh!

Joshb said...

I agree that something needs to be done about the AIDS crisis, but this election I hope something happens with health care issues. Our family is paying out a lot of money to the insurance companies, mostly because my dad is self employed and he doesn't get health care benefits. We must carry our own health insurance and it is starting to get very expensive so I hope that something is done about Heath care to were people can afford it.

RachelY said...

AIDS is a big issue right now, I understand that and I also completely agree they need help fighting it. However, if I were actually old enough to vote this year it would not be one of the biggest issues I based my decision upon. There are several issues that need to be taken care of here at home first. War, Immigration, War in Iraq, and also the declining economy and environment. We are facing too many things at this point in time, but I believe we are at least helping them with the epidemic and should there for keep focus on our other problems as well. There is too much on politics that I could type and it gets pretty complicated and confusing. But basically what I would base my vote upon is who also had the strongest points, and who I think would get something done and bring some change for the better.

TylerL said...

Hey, yea those AIDS facts are really bad. I mean 6,600 people a day ? thats absurd. America should really conversome of their time and effort to countrys where most of the popuation has AIDS. Go there to teach the people about this diesase.

AndyC said...

i disagree about the issue of AIDS. It is not the most important thing in our country could focus on during this upcoming election. Many people have said that the war in Iraq is over, but it's not even close. Troops die every day because of car bombings or some other kind of attack. I just think it's a bunch of bullcrap that we send millions of dollars over seas to help out their country,and all we get back are dead soldiers. This whole thing about AIDS is not the biggest thing we need to worry about.

Lisa D. said...

I completely agree with Stormi. I keep up with the politics so that I will know who and what I am voting for. A major issue is the right for homosexuals to marry. I have a hard time believing our founding fathers would want to look at us now and see how horribly wrong we have pursued things in politics. I am willing to listen to any arguments, and I don't mean to ever offend anyone. I grew up in these beliefs and I still stand firm today. Another issue now is abortion. Killing innocent children that don't even get to see the light of day? That's awful and morally wrong. It should be stopped.

So I will safely say I definitely stick to the more conservative side of politics.

catelynk said...

I am glad to hear that the AIDS crisis is an important issue to you. I truly feel very passionate about the war in Iraq and agree with Ashton 100%. This past year I did a debate on soft partition and it opened my eyes to the things occurring in Iraq. Hearing about all the people who have died from our country as well as theirs is heart breaking. I don’t feel It fair to stay and fight when the war has been over for some time now. The soldiers there are our brothers, fathers, mothers, and friends. Not to mention the money we have spent from entering the war and spending the past months in Iraq. The news here does not give justice to the things that are occurring over seas. We don’t see the suffering or even truly the good things either. Our soldiers should be brought home to all of their families.

Perry S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Perry S. said...

First of all,let me start of by saying that the president has little to no control over gas prices. It's mostly up to the oil companies. And on the topic of homosexual marriage, I certainly do not agree with it. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:9 do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality. And yes they should be treated with respect but to disobey God and go against his word I strongly disagree with.

LanyeL said...

I strongly agree with you. Aids is an issue that desperately needs to be addressed. Yes, gas prices are important but I feel that the lives of people in Ethopia and Africa and other places like that are more important. For some reason I seem to be more imterested in the election this year than I have ever been before. I am abit dissapointed that some people are holding barack Obama's religion against him and I'm assuming Hilary Clinton's gender against her. This is America, land of the free right? I feel that we should be passed judging people based on their religious views. I do not support the war in Iraq, but I support our troops.

Monica Cota said...

I believe that the AIDS issue is extremely important and should never be unconsidered in an election. However, America has many problems of its own, and the AIDS problem is mainly an African issue. We Definitely need to help them, because they cannot afford it on their own. However, if Americans focus too heavily on the AIDS issue that will lead to slacking in other issues I feel are more important and needed for America to survive.

Ravieeee said...

Everyone talks about high gasoline prices. 3 dollars a gallon is outrageous, and in other states, its even more. As Deanna said, the Government takes enough money out of our paychecks already.

I don't understand why if oil is going up and we are still buying it, then we, the citizens, should have to suffer.

jadeB said...

Mrs. Mcaffry,
I definately agree with you about the way the aids pendemic is being handled. If I had to pick an issue to be passionate about for this election it would have to be abortions. I am definately pro choice and think women should choose what they do with their bodies and not the government. This issue is important to me because I can relate to how hard he desicion can be to have an abortion and how much harder it can be when it seems no one wants to support you. I've had many friends have to have abortions for health reasons instead of just being careless and I've seen too many cry because of how inconsiderate people can be. These girls were not the murderers many activists claimed them to be.

BrennaC. said...

The AIDS issue needs to be dealt with. Many people die everyday from that, when we could go there and help and it could be, not prevented, but controlled or helped. Personally, we need to get out of Iraq and go to Africa and places where it is bad and help them, because we all know we can. We just aren't. Thats why i love the Invisible Children, because it is an organization that actually helps children in Africa.

whittneym said...

One of the problems that I would like to see be addressed is hunger and poverty. I know that it is talked about a lot, but nothing major has ever been done about it. These third world countries are basically starving and disease stricken, for example with AIDS, and something needs to be done about this. I hope in the future something will come over the American President candidates and they will realize that this is a big thing in our developing world.

ashleyc said...

It seems that you have done plenty of research on AIDS and that you are truely sincere about it. I agree with just about everyone who has commented about the topic. Something I am very sincere about is the gas prices. It is ludacris that one gallon of gas is averaging around three dollars. Almost every two weeks, it comes the time when you have to fill up the gas tank, and you dread it. And who wouldn't? To fill up my car, which is a smaller suv, costs 40-45$. Imagine what it would be like to drive a Yukon or large truck!

Emily T. said...

I agree with Ashton 100% on the Irag issue. I feel we have been over there way too long and now we are fighting something that isn't even our problem anymore. Clearly what were are doing isn't working, because soldiers are still dying every single day. We need to pull our troops out ASAP and get them away from that dangerous situation!

allison_d said...

I also agree that the gas prices are way to high for people to afford. Now a days, a tank of gas will cost you between $40 and $50. And you usually have to fill your car up every week or every other week. That's about half of your paycheck right there. I think this is a serious problem and we should do something about it. I also agree with you, Mrs. McAffry and everyone else about the AIDS issue in Africa. What's going on over there is so terrible.

allison_d said...

I also believe that gas prices are way to high to people to afford. A tank of gas will cost you somewhere between $40 and $50. And you have to fill up your car every week or every other week. That's about half your paycheck right there. It's ridiculous how much gas cost now. I also agree with you, Mrs. McAffry about the AIDS issue in Africa. It really is awful what is going on over there.

M Collins said...

I can't say that I have followed up with the upcoming election, so I don't have a particular topic to talk about. I do think the AIDS epidemic you have suggested is a very important discussion that has been going on for many years. I feel like the education about AIDS/HIV should be taught to the densely populated areas that are infected with this disease. Teaching different methods would help lower the percentage of people who have this tragic disease. But, one way as Americans could help instead of giving that much money is to lower the medications for everyone to have.

C.J. C said...

Hey Mrs. McAffry,
Although AIDS is a large issue that needs to be addressed, the No Chlid Left Behind Act is also very important. Politicians don't realize that in all reality that is almost impossible. Sure the concept is a great idea but there are many many children and teens that are unable to recieve proper education due to proper funding. Honestly, i think that while we should help other countries to work towards a greater world as a whole, they should focus on the problems in our own country first.

C.J. C said...

hey... i was reading the other comments and Stormi's really caught my eye. While I do agree with her in one way in another i disagree with her.. I know that most people don't agree with me espically my family, but i do believe that homosexuals shouldn't be looked down upon, and they also should be given the right to legally marry whoever they please. I mean lets face it, in today's society gay and lesbian relationships are a common occurence. No, I'm not going to go out and date a girl, but I know that if i did then i would want to be able to myself. I used to think about it the way that others do in that it was horrible and was just the worst thing that could ever happen. But then i thought about it and realized that number one if we worried about the little stuff likr gay marriage then the bigger stuff is getting that much less attention, and number two its like a man and a woman.. weather we like it or not if the woman is a wealthy person and the man is not then it is socially looked down upon because they are marrying "beneath" their class. But that woman can't help who she falls in love with. Her family and friends may disagree, but only she knows how she truly feels.

Wow.. i didn't know that i had all that in me.. i thought that it would just be a short 'I don't completally agree' but I guess not. I would love feedback.


AshleyZ said...

Although I agree that the need to help people with AIDS is extremely important, there are many other issues that need to be addressed. War, our environment, and immigration are probably my main isses I would be targeting if I were eligible to vote this year. Our Army has been in Iraq far too long, and it seems to be doing more harm than good. Its time to end this and bring our soldiers home where they belong. The envioronment is also very important to me. Lately, everything we have been doing has been threatening our world, so its time to step it up and reduce the potential of having global warming. Immigration is absolutely rediculous these days. Each day, more and more immigrants come into the country, affecting us one by one. They are taking over our jobs, our houses, our money, and overall the way of the American life. Its time to set rules that are more strict to give us Americans our lives back.

erind said...

The thing that I hate most about the AIDS issue is the fact that we are withholding the AIDS treatment from the people who need it the most; and we are withholding this treatment, there is no other way of putting it. America is ridiculous like that though.
I am also completely over the war in the Middle East. It is getting us nowhere, and in my opinion, barely got us anywhere in the first place. Even when I was in 5th grade, I didn't think we should go over there; and now we are still there, and-surprise, surprise-terrorism is still very much in existence for this war being "The War on Terror." America is too full of pride to save its own soldiers. We have this glorification of the military that is getting beyond ridiculous, and it makes you wonder if we aren't glorifying it to justify our being over there...
The last issue that concerns me greatly-in fact it is the issue I am most concerned about-is global warming. How can people say that there is no such thing or that it is not as big a deal as people are making it out to be? It's a bigger deal than people are making it out to be. Entire villages in the northernmost parts of the world that lived and had their houses on the ice are falling into the warming oceans. How can anyone say with all the overwhelming evidence that you hear everyday, that global warming is not a big deal? It effects us all. If we don't do something about it now, it will be too late. We are messing with irreversible things.

Chase M said...

Well i'm not old enough to vote yet and i already feel sick of politics. I honastly do not think any canidate who runs for president intends on doing anything productive in office. That just comes to them in the form of oppertunity. Political leaders are in it for the money and status. I do admit some presidents have done many increadible things, but in todays world things are changing and not for the better. Undecided voters are some of the most ignorant people on the face of the planet and politicians just use that to their advantage. Who raises the most money, looks the best, or can pull off the most fraudulent imitation of patriatism will win. Famous celebrities say vote or die. I'd rather die then know my vote destroyed the last remaining intelligence america has. Im moving to canada.

LeAnnW said...

Yes aids is a big problem. U.S.A should lower the cost of medicine for Africa just out of simple humanity. Letting thousands of people suffer from this disease is a cruel, and horrible thing to do. But isnt malaria a problem to?

harrisw said...

I agree with you on the AIDS issue. It is a huge epidemic and something needs to be done about the ridiculously high prices of medicine.
My mother is very into the political scene so I hear about a lot of the issues being brought up in this election. Perry is right that the president does not have control over the gas prices but the next president should want to fight with the big oil companies to get the price down. Also I believe that gay marriage should be allowed. Now I know that it is what some would say "unchristian-like," but we should have no control over other peoples lives and I think that if these people want to live their lives that way and they accept the consequences that come with that lifestyle, then they should be allowed to live their lives.

chelsey_b said...

I am very glad to hear that you are passionate about the AIDS epidemic. I fully agree with you that something should be done to where there aren't all these people dying all over the world from something we could easily prevent, in my opinion.

On the other hand, needless to say, I'm not a big fan of politics and my family isn't either. However, I have a cousin that recently joined the Marines and I would love not to see him have to go to Iraq. I just want them to remove the troops and send our boys home. I think we have our own government issues to worry about without having to establish their government also.

allison_r said...

You're right. AIDS is a big problem that we face worldwide today. Even though we gave the most in dollar amounts our percentage of help was still low. There's alot more we can do to help and I think that simple statistic should inspire people and motivate them to get something done about the prices and availability of medicine to third world countries.

On the politcs part, I think that we have already won the war so why are our troops still over there? My family and I are not very big on politics, but I would like to see the next President bring our troops out safe.

Aliciab said...

I agree that the AIDS epidemic is a major issue and needs to be addressed. With so much poverty in Africa it is nearly impossible for the Africans to afford the treatment they need. We as a country need to pull together to make a difference in the lives of people with AIDS. A great way to start is by lowering the prices so the Africans can afford the medicine. Hopefully whoever gets elected President feels the same way and takes the necessary action.

chelsea said...

Hi Mrs. McAffry!
I am actually a very unusual teenager I love politics! I think I get it from my papaw he is a huge democrat and can literally talk about politics for days. Although I have no idea what I am yet republican or democrat there are certain issues I am passionate about. I personally feel we need to get out of the war in Iraq as soon as possible. I would like someone who is focused on also the United Nations and getting back the trust America deserves. I would like someone who also feels passionate about the everyday American instead of giving huge tax cuts to multi millionaires this is ridiculous. I also am very concerned about the social security issues. Even though I won’t be a senior citizen for a while I will be there one day and have many loved ones reaching it in the next couple of years. The changes that need to be done for social security need to start now.

chrisc said...

Aids is a touchy subject, but i agree there needs to be more funding towards AIDS research. An issue i would like focused on is abortion. I honestly dont relly have an opinion either way, but i do feel that it is the womans choice. It would be interesting to see how the candidates would respond when posed with this question. That would help to tell alot about each candidate as a person.

jonathanp said...

i agree with you abought the aids issue. It is a bad thing,and it is messing up alot of homes and relationships. I think that we the americans she penalized for what others have done.I also agree with lindsay that i hope who ever is elected does bring this issue up and does something abought it

kristin h. said...

Politics are not Politics anymore. Sometimes i ask myself the simple question of, "What has our country come to?" I honestly don't know, but i do know i disagree with how we can help other countries and send them billiones of dollars but have yet tended to the problems of our own country. Sure other countries need help, so do we. Take a look on the streets of cities, all the disease that go without cures because we don't want to put the money up, the rediculous amount of money that goes over seas could be used to find the cure for AIDS. All potiticians seem to worry about is how much money the Lobbiests are going to put in their pocket. The Good Ole' boy system is still in place. Politicians seem to forget who put them in office because they apparently aren't working as hard as they should for their states and their country.