Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Abortion. Your Thoughts?

by Emily H.

I know it's kind of blunt, but it should make interesting conversation - right? Just thought it would be interesting to see everybody's point of view and thoughts. And DEBATES!


NoSleepTilBrooklyn said...

I am simply pro-choice. I don't believe it is anybody's place to say whether it's right or wrong for anybody else other than themselves. You don't know what other people's situations might be. For instance, rape-victims and those who are not financially or mentally able to care for the child are not suited for parenthood. (Also, let's face it; not every child put up for adoption is adopted, and that can just cause issues for the child later on.) Though, I don't think it is right for people to abuse it with the mentality that they can do what they want without protection and if they become pregnant, they can just fix it. Since getting rid of abortion altogether would be a bit over the top, I believe it should remain an option, a choice for the hurt and unable.

Austin B said...

I would first like to say that for those of you who have not seen what an abortion is like and would like to, go to google and type in: The Silent Scream. There are a series of videos that have been made by a former abortionist who ran the biggest abortion clinic in the country until he saw this video. Abortion branches out into a lot of things. One thing revealed to me as of late is the itemization of minors. Parents battling for custody just to have the child sometimes, not because they care. An abortion is looked at as snuffing out the existence of something that supposedly cannot think or feel or is not human. By the time an abortion can take place, a fetus is very much human. It has a heartbeat, can sense danger and pain, can move away from danger and pain, and can interact to things introduced to the mother's body. To say that this is not human enough to be called life is just an argument from people who are interested in themselves and how it serves them. I will save the political mumbo jumbo for another time, take into consideration how much money is made from abortions every year and what political party openly supports abortion. Over 51 million children have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade. What if Obama had been aborted? What if Mrs. Mcaffry had been aborted? What if you or I had been aborted? We have grown and developed hopes and dreams and aspirations the same as that child would the second he left the womb. Naturally the world would be better off if Obama had been aborted, but even if I had the chance, I would not abort him. Every child has a right to life and a chance to live. If you do not want a child or cannot support a child, please do not reproduce. A lot of the problem comes from iresponsible people not thinking of the consequences of their actions. For rape victims, I believe that if the system was not so bogged down with the bad decisions of a lot of people, then caring the rape victims' children would not be a problem as it is now. A fetus is a human being and should be treated as such from conception to birth.

Sheharyar A. said...

This is an extremely philosophical subject, there's no possible right or wrong answer at all no mater which way you look at it. True, a life is taken away with abortion but if the parent can't provide them a fulfilling life, their lives take a turn for the worse. On the other hand, you'll never know the full potential of the life that was thrown away. That child could have changed the entire world for the better if he/or she was the chance to. So who are we to decide on who gets to live or die? That's too big a decision for anyone and so I conclude that no one has a voice in the question of another's life and thus abortion is wrong.

dannyr said...

I believe that it is the mother's choice to abort her pregnancy or not. Abortion falls under that category of choice where there isn't just black and white. Who are we to judge some one else's choices.

Allison H. said...

I do not support abortion. If a parent is willing to kill their child, then why were they not willion enough to be responsible and have safesex. It is not the childs fault that the mother has been put in the situation, therefore the child should not be given the the punishment, that punishment being death.Our society finds little fault in abortion but yet protests capital punishment? At the time of conception the baby becomes a living human being, and when an abortion takes place the baby has taken the shape of an actual baby and has functional organs, therefore it can be considered murder. However if a mother is in the situation where she can not support a baby there are adoption programs for theses types a situation. There are adoptons where the infant will be given to the adoptee parents at the day of birth and rightfully be theirs. Not once will the chld experience foster care or a children's home.
A baby should not be punished for their parents mistake.

Andy K said...

The killing of a human without reason is murder. There are only 3 reasons to kill; warfare, selfdefense, and capital punishment. A fetus is obviously not in a war, is obvioulsy not able to attack anyone, and is obviously not able to commit any crimes. If God did not want the mother to have that child, he wouldn't have put it inside her.

NatashaL said...

I do not support abortion. However, I am not against it. I also agree that abortion is the mother's choice.
I love when people use God and His law to stand against abortion. Why? Incredible debate.
The Bible associates life with breath. This is emphasized in the story of the creation of Adam. God gave Adam life by breathing into the breath of life into his nostrals. So is a fetus that has not taken it's first breath really alive in reference to the Bible? If not, is it murder? You can't kill something that isn't alive.

I believe abortion is okay to a certain point of developement. Once you can tell it is a baby with destinct features, it seems wrong to abort it in my opinion.

Austin B said...

I am really bored in keyboarding and reading over everyone's posts. Natasha: The point at which a mother knows she is pregnant and at the point at which an abortion can take place, a fetus is a recognizable human being without a doubt. There is no window where an abortion can take place where the child is not recgonized as a child.

NatashaL said...

Read my first line. The statement you quoted me on only defends my fist line.
Although I would never abort a child and I think it is wrong does not mean I am necessarily against it.
If someone could bear that pain (physically and emotionally) with their conscience unaffected, and have a legitamate reason for abortion, it should be their choice.

Emily H said...

I have talked with my step mother about abortion and such and, she got pregnant in high school as a senior. The father tried talking her into abortion and planned to pay for it and everything, but when she was on her way to have the meeting about the abortion.. she got a flat tire. A sign right? Exactly, the father showed up to fix the tire and was all "you have to go to the meeting, you need to do this" and she stopped him and said "i'm not getting an abortion" so he started freaking out and stuff. She said "this child doesn't deserve this, everybody deserves a chance. this child didn't do anything to deserve this, and i'm not getting an abortion." (obviously not word for word but you get the idea) She had the baby and later got married to the father, as well as continued to have another child. She never regretted one moment.
We also discussed that most women who have gotten abortions have had mental problems afterwards because they realize that they have killed a human soul.
I believe that it is a human being from the moment of contraception.

If you didn't want a kid, you should have been safe.
Better to be safe then sorry, eh?

MackenzieH said...

Abortion is a heavy subject matter that I do not fully support. I am pro-choice, however. A friend of mine as well as a sibling of mine have gotten an abortion.
It is a hard choice that does not go without strain on the mother. My sister was and still very much is grieving and holding guilt over the entire ordeal. With her position however it wouldn't have been a great idea. Could she have still had the child then given it up for adoption? Yes, she very well could have, but her choice was this: If she were to have had the child she knew she wouldn't have been able to give it up, and she knew that she wouldn't have been able to take care of it.
I myself wish she would have kept it but that wasn't my choice. As much as some cases people wouldn't support choices for America is a land of choices. This can be unfortunatly one of them.

Andy K said...

Natasha, the Bible does associate breath with life, but it does not mean that to be alive you have to have breath. A fetus at the time the mother knows she is pregnant, its organs are developed and are working to keep the child ALIVE. If the organs stop working, the child dies, which is the oposite of life. In hospitals they determine death and life by the heartbeat, a fetus has a heartbeat. By saying breath=life, you are saying people on respirators are dead.

Anonymous said...

On one side, I think that it should be completely up to the woman to decide if it was right for her or not.
Honestly, though, how could anyone decide to kill their child? I could never do it. I refuse to watch anyone I know do it.
It's selfish. Most people just don't want to be pregnant because of the way it makes you look, or if you're younger, how people might think about you.

I know that if I was ever to become pregnant when I knew I wasn't ready or too young for a child, I would think of it like this: Would I rather keep the baby and people think lowly of me for getting pregnant when I didn't mean to OR would I rather kill my child, and feel horrible about it forever, and people think of me as a MURDERER?

I think the answer should be clear, but obviously it is not.

And Andrew, what is the point of being alive if you are strapped down to a machine? You might as well be dead, you would certainly feel like it.