Monday, February 4, 2008

Favorite Word II

This was one of the most popular posts from last semester, so I thought I would let you all respond to this one as well.

My two favorite words are cacophony and patina. Cacophony means a harsh combination of sounds. You could use it to describe the sounds in the hallway during class change! I think I just like this word because it is fun to say. The word patina describes the look that an object with age often develops. So, instead of an object appearing bright, shiny, and new, it has become worn and weathered with age. I enjoy this word because I prefer to decorate with things that have developed character and patina over time instead of something that looks freshly purchased from the store. For example, I have a dresser in my house that was my great great grandmother's. It may not be in the best condition, but that is exactly why it has so much meaning.

Your turn. What is your favorite word and why?


Erika N. said...

Ludicrous is my favorite word. It can mean absurd, ridiculous, or comical. It’s just my favorite word because it’s fun to say.

tylerd said...

My favorite word is pruney. This word just cracks me up every time it is used.Pruney is used when you have ben in the water for a long time and your fingers start to get those wrinkles. Its hilarious!!!!

Joshb said...

My favorite word is sweet. the word sweet means in good tasting. I just love to say it.

paigec said...

My favorite word would have to be shoot. I guess its just something to say if your mad but I say all the time no matter what mood I'm in. It is so much fun to say. I love it.

Tyler H. said...

My favorite word would be Grace. It can mean: a. A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill.
b. Mercy; clemency. I love this word because it explains so much. I was given grace by God and hopefully I am showing others a level of grace. Thats why I love that word and it is one of my favorites.

Aliciab said...

Spontaneous is my favorite word, I like it because it describes me and also is fun to say.

LeAnnW said...

My favorite word is bubbly. I'm not quite sure if it is a real word but I do like the way it sounds.

chelsey_b said...

My favorite word is "perhaps." I'm not sure why its my favorite but I really like saying it. You can say it whenever you want, it sounds good anywhere!

Megan D said...

Hey Mrs. Mcaffry! Your words are very different. They are neat though! If I remember them I will try and use them every once in a while during class. My favorite word is plentiful. It means existing in great plenty. I like the word because it is unique and rarely used. It is hard to say but when you say it, it makes you laugh.

Marvin B. said...

My favorite word is thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the study of heat and its processes. If you can find a way to squeeze that into your conversation, you are guaranteed a funny look from someone. How unequivocally awe-inspiring is that?

emilieR said...

My favorite word is onomatopoeia. This word is used in english class quite frequently. Onomatopoeia is when an author writes the sound something makes.

Unknown said...

I think my favorite word would have to be attractive or sarcasm. Attractive because you could use it to describe so many things and you can use it sarcastically and i absolutley love sarcasm. And Sarcasm because I love the way its used and it's just a fun word to say.

josh w. said...

My favorite word would probably be sassyphrass. It is a word that my friend and I use for everything.If somebody around us is getting an attitude we normally will be like "Hey sassyphrass calm down" and then we would describe their clothing,"hey kahaki pants you need to calm down!".I also really like the word penthils.

Monica Cota said...

I have two favorite words.They are uber and vengeance. Uber came from Germany. It means super,but it aslo can mean over. Most Americans use uber having the meaning super. I also like the word vengeance. vengeance is the desire for revenge. I like it because I believe that it has a really strong meaning. vengeance is also in one of my favorite Sweeny Todd songs.

JustinC said...

My favorites words are wicked and sweet. I usually use them together. example: Mrs. Mcaffry is wicked sweet

AndyC said...

My favorite word would have to be cozy. It means relaxed or peaceful. I like this word because it sounds funny and describes how I feel most of the time.

Perry S. said...

My favorite word is fantastic. Most of the time when I use it I am being sarcastic though. I think it's a pretty funny word.

jadeB said...

Restive would have to be my favorite word at the moment. Restive means resisting control or to be stubborn. This word defines me in the sense that i am stubborn and do not budge when i make a desicion, but i think why i like this word so much is because it defines my brother most of all. i have a younger brother that at the moment is going through a very hard time. Through all of the battles he has to face right now he still is just as restive as he was when we were last together and i am proud of him for being stubborn in his beliefs.

jadeB said...

Restive would have to be my favorite word at the moment. Restive means resisting control or to be stubborn. This word defines me in the sense that i am stubborn and do not budge when i make a desicion, but i think why i like this word so much is because it defines my brother most of all. i have a younger brother that at the moment is going through a very hard time. Through all of the battles he has to face right now he still is just as restive as he was when we were last together and i am proud of him for being stubborn in his beliefs.

Tyler B. said...

My favorite word would have to be laught. I love to laugh . It's probably the greatest thing ever, and it's a really cool word too.

RachelY said...

My favorite word is fuzzy. I don't really know why. I guess because when I say it I think of something cute. I felt kind of dumb saying that because most people's favorite words are long and complicated, but after reading most of the comments I felt better. I have favorite words that are long and complicated, but I just can't think of them because I have a really bad memory.

LukeL said...

I like the word fransisco. It is very fun to say. Just say it a few times and you'll get really excited for no reason.

Lisa D. said...

My favorite words are spectacular and giggly. They're both exciting and fun. And they represent happiness. Who doesn't like being giggly and be described as spectacular.

Ravieeee said...

My favorite word is Je T'aime. It means I love you in French. I adore the french language and it was the first word in that language I ever learned.

Anonymous said...

My favorite word would have to be irate. It sounds better than just saying angry or mad and it is more sophisticated.

M Collins said...

My favorite word would have to be serendipity. It means an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. Ever, since I watched the movie it has become my favorite. The word seems to stick in your mind for some reason, because its so different that's why I like it.

kurtis H said...

There are lots of words I like, but my favorite word is artist. Because it can mean two different things. Currently two different things I am. It can mean A artist as in recording artist. Also it can mean an artist as in art, paintings, sculptures, etc. Being A artist is more like A hobby, I like to draw on my free time or whenever I can. Although, being A recording artist, is one of my dreams. I have been working hard to achieve my dream. I have performed in A some clubs, got paid plenty of times for my performances. Artist is definitely one of my favorite words.

l heidel said...

My favorite word would have to be puddin. Yes puddin. I guess i love this word casue its all i call my girlfriend so i guess it has became a habit word. And Erika thats a pretty cool word and Tyler your hands are pruney.

allison_d said...

My favorite word is extraordinary. I've always defined it as above and beyond. I just love to say it and i love the way it sounds.

Joe c said...

My favorite word is mighty. It means powerful, gigantic, grand, and magnificent. It's just my favorite word because it so powerful sounding and its easy to pronounce.

harrisw said...

My favorite word is strength. When most people think of strength they think of big muscles, but to me it means the desire to achieve a goal and what you put into it to achieve that goal. I'm not quite sure why I like the word, but it means a lot when I say it so I guess thats why.

ashleyc said...

My favorite word would have to be serendipity. Serendipity means a series of accidents that turns out for the good or that shows you your fate. There is a restraunt in New York City that I love called Serendipity. The restraunt actually is shot in the movie Serendipity. Both of which are great and if you get the chance to see the movie, which is older, or eat at the restraunt, it is a definite!


ashton_z said...

My favorite word would deffinatley have to be ridiculous---absurd; preposterous; laughable. I love this word so much because it's so fun to say and people look at you so funny when you say it.

AshleyZ said...

My favorite word is crazy. The reason I'm just so obsessed with it is because it basically explains my life. Everything that relates to me and my life is just plain out crazy, from my friends, to my family. Even though that may sound a bit scary, its not, and I enjoy all the craziness that revolves around me.

Chase M said...

Instantaneous. Man thats a cool word. It can instantaniously inform any one that two events are going on at the same time, and remind every one of your intellience.

Lindsay_r said...

My favorite word is codswallop. It means nonsense. It's a British word, so when Brits say it, it sounds really funny. I've seen it used alot in books too.

ClintG said...

My favorite word is determination it is a very strong word. It is a very strong word that I try to live my life by everyday. It means to set out to do something and not let anything get in your way.

ZachC said...

My favorite word is "Sure". It's a word that can really confuse
people. You can use it sarcastically, but also to answer a question honestly.

TylerL said...

My favorite word is "like" because if were not a word conversation would be harder. Also, girls couldn't survive without it. HaHa.

deannam said...

My favorite word would probably have to be hardcore. It means really cool or intense. I say this word all the time. When I'm telling a story, I say it alot. It gets pretty annoying actually.I just love that word!

chelsea said...

My favorite word would have to be intense. Intense is when something is more extreme than usual. I for some reason love to use the word. I think I got it from when of my good friends. She had just recently moved away and now everything I talk to her she use “intense”. I am assuming I picked it up from her either way I love it!

chrisc said...

My favorite word is shoot. It can be used as a verb or noun. It is also used as a word to describe distress in a situation. "well shoot".

JessicaC said...

My favorite word would probably be squishy.I guess because ever since I was little I have always squished everything I could with my hands.I really just love the way it feels.I don't know why.Maybe I'm crazy.Who knew?

jonathanp said...

My favorite word is crazy.I like to do stuff that is fun and wild. Like jump my friends and brothers on my four-wheeler.

raluam said...

Interesting words, share your favorite words at I sincerely hope it meets everyone's expectations.