Monday, February 11, 2008


Benjamin Franklin coined so many witty and wise aphorisms that it is pretty hard to choose just one to discuss.  However, I will try.  One of my favorites is, "Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing."  For many of you, friends are one of the most important things in life right now - as they should be.  They are there for you in ways that your parents can't be sometimes.  I talked with Ashley Z and Rachel Y for a minute today about how important their friendship is to them. They seem to have taken this aphorism to heart.  Though you may not want to admit it now, you will most likely only keep in touch with a handful of your present friends after high school.  I would have never thought that would be the case, but I can attest to that now.  My two best friends are girls that I met in kindergarten and grew up with.  We weren't necessarily best friends each year along the way; naturally, we had ebbs and flows in our relationships.  But now, we have a strong friendship because we are all committed to being there for one another.  Sometimes it is not easy.  You have to be active in your friendship.  Call them to ask about that test; take them their favorite potato soup when they have just had surgery.  But most importantly, realize that once you have found that person that feels like a soul mate, you should hold on to that relationship for life.

Discuss one of Benjamin Franklin's aphorisms and how it relates to your life.  You can choose one from the textbook or go to The Quotable Franklin for other ideas.  


Megan D said...

My favorite aphorism is three may keep a secret if two of them are dead. The aphorism is so true and it is just saying that only you can keep with yourself. When you tell someone they end up telling someone else and so on! I like the aphorism because I think that if it is a secret then why do people want to tell others? That is just a way for rumors to get started.

HaleyW said...

My favorite aphorism of Ben Farnklin is "What is serving God? Tis to serve man." The reason that it applies to me is because I really love to help people. I realise how cliche that sounds, but it's really true. I have always wanted to serve people for a living, and, hopefully, I will be able to do so in the medical field. I would gladly dedicate my life to the happiness of others. It has always been an important part of my life, and thats why that aphorism speaks to me.

TylerL said...

My favorite aphorism is "Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." I really think this is true because if you go to bed early and get up early you will have enough energy to go through your day well. Which means you will do better in school and do better off in life.

Aliciab said...

My favorite aphorism from Ben Franklin is "God helps those who help themselves." Meaning that God won’t give you everything, but if you help yourself rather than asking God to take care of your problems, you may find help in unexpected places. I feel I can really relate and it has helped me a lot in the past.

paigec said...

My favorite aphorism would have to be "Tart words make no friends; a spoonful of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar." This is very true. Mean words will not help you make friends they make people want to stay away from you. I try my best to say thins that won't offend other people.

Tyler B. said...

Well after looking at the page full of aphorisms from Mr. Franklin I would have to say that one that stood out to me was: "Work as if you were to live a hundred years, and pray as if you were to die tomorrow." I believe that hard work is the basis of life if your willing to work hard then you can make it in this world. Yet you still have to have your spiritual background.

emilieR said...

My favorite aphorism is "The Early Bird Catches the Worm". This suits me because I'm never late for anything, and I'd much rather be early for something and wait around than to be late, and miss what has happened. This trait comes in handy when shopping for wiis. If a store advertises that they are going to have them in stock, you'd better be the earliest one there if you want to get one! That's why I like this aphorism--it doesn't cost anything to be early, so why not go for it!

NickP said...

Well... My faverate aphorism is "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." This is becouse I have often have put too much hope in one thing and it comes back and bites me in the rear. That aphorism alone should be one that many people follow. Even stock brokers follow it.

Ravieeee said...

My favorite aphorism would have to be from Forest Gump. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get." That line just makes life make sense to me. I absolutely love it.

Erika N. said...

My favorite aphorism by Benjamin Franklin would have to be,"When the wells dry, we know the worth of water." This makes alot of sense to me since in life alot of people take what they have forgranted. Everybody always seems to want more and they never really know how good they have it till they lose it.

chelsey_b said...

My favorite aphorism is "Well done is better than well said." I have always believed that actions speak louder than words. Most of the time I can see through people's words but there actions are what really tells you the most about them.

joshw said...

My favorite aphorism is by Thomas Jefferson it is “I live for books”. I like this because I am an avid reader. I am currently reading “love, Janis” it is very interesting and I recommend it to all.

chrisc said...

My favorite aphorism is When the well's dry, we know the worth of water. This aphorism can be used to describe the way friendships can change and even end. This has not applied to me personally but has to a few of my friends. One of my best friends got in a fight with her buddy and i saw how that affected her, nd hope that never happens to me. This aphorism is a great metaphor for describibg the ending of a friendship.

deannam said...

Reading the list of aphorisms of Ben Franklin, my favorite would be, "Work as if you were to live a hundred years,
Pray as if you were to die tomorrow." This influences my life because it reminds me to work hard, and never stop praying no matter how hard life gets.

AshleyZ said...

The aphorism “He that lieth down with Dogs, shall rise up with Fleas” stands out to me the most. The reason being, we have to deal with situations like this everyday. To me, its basically saying that you already have an idea of what might happen, knowing what situation you’ve put yourself in.

Chase M said...
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Chase M said...

Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. This is very true to my life. I sometimes disregard authority and say regretable things that are on my mind. You think about your choice in words not at the wrong time to say them but at the time in which you regret them . thats my own aphorism i just wrote.

RachelY said...

First of all Mrs. McAffry, thank you for mentioning me and ashley, it made us laugh because we thought you were just listening to us ramble.

"A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over." This is my favorite aphorism by Benjamin Franklin. I think it's pretty much saying you can recover from alot of things that you do and all the mistakes that you make, but you can never take back the hurtful things you say. Or in reverse, hurtful things that people say to you even if they don't mean it.

ClintG said...

My favorite aphorism is well done is better than well said. Which couldn't be more true. What it is saying is that its better to do something well than to say your going to do something well. Alot of people say they are great at doing something then when it is time to do it they are horrible at it. This is definitely my favorite aphorism because it couldn't be more true.

JessicaC said...

My favorite aphorism is, "The poor have little,
Beggars none;
The rich too much
Enough not one."It's pretty much saying that we should be thankful for what we have not what we are getting.This is absolutely true.Our school is so seperated that half of the time we do not even look at a person for who they are;we look at them for what they have.I have tried to apply this concept to my life by not just staying in one click.Plus the people who have the least in materials are often the same few who have the most in heart.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Benjamin Franklin aphorism quote would have to be “one today is worth two tomorrows”. It is my favorite because we are never promised another tomorrow. I have many life long goals and dreams and I want to be able to live my life to the fullest. Until I have done everything I can in life then each and every day is very precious to me.

jadeB said...

The aphorism by Benjamin Franklin that has related most to my life is: " Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." I find this related to my life the most because I have had to keep many secrets for my father and I have found it is easier to accomplish when you are alone. As he is a drug addict and had many secrets I alienated myself from people in order to keep those secrets. I am happy to say that I now live with my aunt and no longer have to keep secrets but, in whole it is still a wise aphorism.

catelynk said...

My favorite aphorism of Ben Franklin is Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. The reason this is my favorite is because this is a very true quote about life. There have been numerous times that if you tell only one person a secret then everyone in the whole school finds out. If we all lived by this aphorism life would not be as dramatic.

AndyC said...

My favorite aphroism would have to be "Hugs not drugs". It tells me to love peopole and stay away from the bad things you can put in your body. If everyone lived by this, the world would be a better place.

Unknown said...

Necessity never made a good bargain is my favorite Ben Franklin aphorism because it kind of explains how what you need is cheaper than what you feel like you need.

jonathanp said...

My favorite aphorism is dont count all your eggs untill they hatch wich means dont assume anything

Marvin B. said...

"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water."

This statement coincides with the modern day aphorism, "You don't realize what you have until it's gone." This, unfortunately, has proved true since the beginning of time. It is a sign of human imperfection. As we go through our daily lives, we take for granted things that are essential to our life and, more often, happiness. We just become so used to their being there that they become unnoticed or automatic, like drawing water from a well. Then, in their absence, we do realize how much those things meant to us. By that time, though, it's too late. Do not make the same mistake as so many have before us. Stop, look around, and remember what you have. If you don't, what you lose may be irreplaceable.

BrennaC. said...

"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead."
Well we all know that is soo true. I mean in high school you hear so many rumors or maybe they aren't even rumors, maybe they were a secret that someone asked someone else to keep and they didn't. Before you tell people things you need to be 100% sure you can trust them.

stormib said...

The aphorism that stands out to me the most is, "when the wells dry we know the worth of water." This grabed my attention because it is the most true and remindes me of my favorite phrase "you never know what you've got till its gone." I feel like peop,le in this society have completly forgotten this and only relize either a persons worth or an objects worth when it is gone and that saddens me.

LanyeL said...

My favorite aphorism would have to be "Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead." There have been many cases where I thought I could trust a specific person in my group of friends to keep a secret, but after I tell them the secret it seems as if everyone knows about it. And it's not hard to figure who gave the secret away in the first place. Especially when I only tell one person to begin with.

Lisa D. said...

My favorite aphorism would be "When one door in life closes, another opens," I love this one because change in life is hard. It's one of the hardest things in life. Adapting yourself from one thing to a completely new something, it's not easy. When you feel like something is over in your life, just wait until something new appears and shows itself. I think it could possibly apply to everything in life.

Lindsay_r said...

My favorite aphorism is "You can observe a lot by watching." It's really simple, but very true. I have learned so much by just sitting back and watching things going on around me. You can learn alot about life by doing something that simple.

tylerd said...

My favorite aphorism is " Well done is better than well said." This is so true. A lot of people talk a big deal but none of that matters untill it is done and wittnessed. This saying goes with everything with life.

Joshb said...

My favorite aphorism is "When the wells dry we know the wealth of water ." The reason for this aphorism is that people don't really know how important something might be to them until it is gone and when it is your really feeling regret. This applies to me in many instances and I didn't even know I really cared that much about those instances, but obviously I really did.

harrisw said...

I couldn't find an aphorism that really related to me so I'm just going to use my own. My favorite aphorism is "Fear Nothing, Leave Everything." This little phrase has a lot of meaning in it. Well, at least to me it does. It means to not fear anyone or anything and in everything you do give it everything you can give. While this aphorism applies a lot to my soccer career it applies to my life too.

allison_d said...

My favorite aphorism is three may keep a secret if two of them are dead. It's basically saying that you can't trust anybody. If you tell one person, that person tells another person. Megan is right, this starts rumors which leads to a whole lot of drama.

JakeW said...

My favorite aphorism is the worst wheel of a cart makes the most noise. The reason i like this one is because it reminds me not to complain about junk cause it just makes you a problem and helps nothing.

JakeW said...

My favorite aphorism is the worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise. This one is very true because when you complain it causes everyone else problems not just you.

Perry S. said...

My favorite would have to be "three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." There is not really such a thing as a secret. If you tell one person something it's just going to spread until it comes back to you and it's not even close to what it was when you told it.

Joe c said...

My favorite aphorism from benjamin Franklin is "a penny saved is a penny earned". When you think about it is so true. Thats why it is my favorite aphorism.

chelsea said...

Hi Mrs. Mcaffry!

I personally love the quote from Benjamin Franklin “Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead”. That quote is so true. I have to admit I got a laugh as soon as I read this one. I cannot tell you how many times I have told one person something in confidence and then the only tell one person and that person tells one person, and so on and so on. By the end of this cycle a rumor was in full bloom. I have learned it is best to keep your mouth shut but being only human, and a girl to add to that, I find this task arduous.

kurtis h said...

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. I thinks that is true. Because when someone do go to bed early. Someone won't be as sleepy when they wake up at the same time they had usualy woke up. They would be more up and ready for what they had to get up for their job. Someone would be more wealthy, too. Because if they do not get the right amount of sleep for the job, they might accidently fall asleep on the job. If they do that, they would probably be fired. Ecspecially in A big business job.

God helps them that helps themselves is A good one. Because it is saying that if you do not even try to help yourself ,and always depend on God to try to help with everything. God would probably get tired of helping someone that does not even try to help themselves, I know I would. There are more than just one person on the Earth ,and God tries to help everyone in the world. Why would he just concentrate on one person in the world and did not worry about the others. I do not think he would ever do that. God tries his best to help everyopne out in the world, and so far he is doing A great job.

When the wells dry we know the wealth of water. That makes alot of sense, because alot of people tend to use stuff up until it is gone, and wish they had more. Many people in cities do not realize that they use something up until it is gone. People in countries like Africa know that they can not just waste things or forget to turn something off. They know they can not do that, because they know everything won't last forever.

ZachC said...

My favorite aphorism is "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." It means that if all you focus on is sports not school, you will have nothing to fall back on. It is on the extra credit shirt I am wearing today.

l heidel said...

My favorite aphorism is dont worry be happy. This aphorism is just telling me that there is no need to worry that it will do nothing for you. but just to be happy and enjoy life instead of waste it on worryin all the time. So go be happy!

ashton_z said...

My favorite aphorism is "don't let yesterdays mistakes affect tomorows decisions." This is an awesome saying. It's saying that you should not dwell on the things that happened to you yesterday, and you dont need to dwell on those and let those affect the decisions you make today...

Ray E said...

My favorite one from Bejamin Franklin is "dont put all of your eggs in one basket." This relates to me in that I like to put my time into a lot of things rather than just one thing. But my favorite of all aphorisms is "Happiness is like wetting yourself everyone sees it, but your the only one who feels its warmth."

Monica Cota said...

My favorite Ben Franklin aphorism is "Well done is better than well said." This means it is better to actually do things instead of just say you are. This applies to everyone and that is why it is my favorite Ben Franklin aphorism.

kristin h. said...

While analyzing Ben Franklin's list of aphorisms, I couldn't help but choose,"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead." This applys to everyone! You definantly can not tell a secret and expect someone to not tell a soul. As a girl I have first hand experiance on how this holds true! As soon as one of my friends finds out some juicy information about someone else I give her about 5 minutes before the rest of the girls find out! Why things are this way I dont't know, but I doubt they will ever change.