- Wednesday, July 23, 3:30 p.m. (best if you are in band)
- Wednesday, July 30, 12:30 p.m.
Bring the following to Room 110 at the high school:
- the book you chose to read
- the corresponding analysis card
- ideas/questions for discussion
We will be discussing only The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, Lipstick Jihad, Life of Pi, and A Long Way Gone. You should have read one of those. We will save The Grapes of Wrath and A Separate Peace for when school starts.
Please leave a comment on this post telling me (1) which date you will attend and (2) which book you chose to read.
Directions for leaving a comment:
- Sign up for a google account if you don't already have one. You can use whatever email address you already have. You don't have to have a google email.
- Your username should be your first name and last initial. For example, I am SarahM.
- When you log in, use your email address, not your username. This is often a source of much confusion.
- Email me at scmcaffry@comcast.net if you have any trouble.
Please spread the word to your classmates in case some of them have forgotten. I have so enjoyed reading each of these books and can't wait to hear your thoughts.